Shgabb Clicker - developed by Schrottii ©2023-2024
Terms of Service
This game uses WGGJ v1.1 and
Patashu's break infinity library (with some adjustments)
Based on the lovely person known as shgabb
Special thanks to the beta testers and most dedicated players, DaGame and elmenda452! <3
If you enjoy the game and have money, consider donating some! It is my only income source and supports me a lot:
Shgabb Clicker - developed by Schrottii ©2023-2024Terms of Service
This game uses WGGJ v1.1 and Patashu's break infinity library (with some adjustments)
Based on the lovely person known as shgabb
Special thanks to the beta testers and most dedicated players, DaGame and elmenda452! <3
If you enjoy the game and have money, consider donating some! It is my only income source and supports me a lot:Social
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Shgabb Clicker Wiki
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